♫ Minna-san, Konbanwa! ♫
YumeWorld deeeeesu! Again! ^ ^ (And strangely well on time! O.o ndYami ) (so it will snow again, then! XD ndYue )
But this time for two different reasons ..
♫ The first, I could not say whether or not less important, concerns the Kingdom Hearts doujinshi posted a few days ago: Unfortunately, we noticed an error regarding the page. 25 .. It is very important as a page, that should not be seen to undermine the story, but now we have replaced the previous links with ones that allow you to download the full douja; those who would not have only to re-download.
apologize for this inconvenience! ^ ^
(but that's karma! T ^ T ndYue )
♫ The second , however, is the real reason for this blog, or to celebrate a special event for us very important .. ( Greetings Yu !! No, joke .. That's tomorrow! XD ndYue escaping from the rest of the group)
fact, slowly, little by little, day after day, our team has managed to continue his translation work, so that today we are taking a year from making online early work ..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U.S. ! (* throws colorful confetti and retrieves the dancers performed in Santa Claus * It 's our gift for our birthday! Ah, we're happy as the King! (Queens?) ndSnitch XDD) (cake, pie! ndYue )
douja How many are we now? 70 ? 73 ?
Yes, 73 ! ^ ^ (We are brave, admit it! XD ndSnitch - not to instigate then you always get the opposite ^ ^ ndHiroi )
We're quite proud of the result and hope to keep pace in the future! ! It will not be easy but if we focus only on this all becomes much easier!
course objectives will be many: the achievement of 100 doujinshi (Curious to know what will *-*! ndYami ) (We are now accepting bets!;) ndSnitch ) , adding new stories and series (I can not wait! * o * ndYami - when it comes to new series is Yami VV ndHiroi lights - you know I love change! * grin * ndYami ) and (why not?) the expansion of the site (and maybe get to take two years! ndYue ) . We already have something in mind but, of course, everything will in due course. ^ ^
We've come along at our own pace (
♫ That said, we can only hope you will follow us in our journey of growth and, perhaps, that some new player will add to our ranks! ^ ^ (Venghino, Si'ori, Venghino XD ndSnitch )
♫ We wish you a good back end and beginning of the year! (Again, if we get there! ^ ^ ndYami )
We will meet again on January 6 with a new doujinshi! ^ _- (* o * I can not wait!! There will be a beautiful new graphics! W ^ ^ * hides from Yue * ndSnitch - aaaah the new graphics ... not exactly Snitch, and as I expected it, but we hope that the same can be appreciated ndHiroi ) (nooo!! My graphics! My beautiful graphics! T ^ T We can not keep it for another month? eyes * * ndYue )
~ YumeWorld Team
(and even if one day in advance .. Happy birthday to Yu \u0026lt;3 ndYue (and who else?))
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